Ridiculously Early Five

Why yes, I am totally aware of the fact that I'm super late with writing the Friday Five and that my chosen topic is getting places early, so the irony is not lost. 

But I'm at tonight's venue 30 minutes before sound check and there's a good possibility I won't be going on for two hours. Yup. 

I'm early. 

Which I know sometimes drives my wife a ittle nuts, but there are reasons for my obsessive punctuality:

1. I get super ragy when I'm running late. 
You'll know I by the fact that drive like I'm in a high speed chase. 

2. I hate when other people are late. 
So many years of being up at 4 am have ruined my chill. 

3. I hate pacing at home. 
Ill pace anywhere else and be just fine. But when I pace at home I end up eating too much left over burrito. 

4. Contingency. 
Things go wrong. All the damn time. Either go nuts over-planning or just show up early enough to fix it. 

5. My wife's pretty, regardless
And the longer she takes in the bathroom the more concerned she gets over hair styles and panty lines. Lighting a little fire means I have to pretend to notice things a lot less. 

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